Scientific Athletics
120 ft. The ground wa not 1 v 1, but wa mor hori– zontal than many fi lcl upon whi h he ha p rformed in public comp tition. Th auth r's mo t g nuine throw wa made on 10th Jun , la t year, when h over d xactly 113 ft. upon a oft and very 1 vel meadow. With r gard to putting, it will be noted that h ha.. exceeded 44~ft. with the 16 lb.. hot. But a ob n' cl in th Diary, the onditions were not genuin . H on id r that hi fin t throw wa on of 43 ft. 10 in., a -compli hed upon th ground abov r f rr d to. oncerning ompetition throw , perhap hi two greatc t effort. w re 36 ft. 10 in. and 45 ft. 5 in. with 21 lb. and 15! lb. hot r p ctively. The form r put, howe,·er. is inf rior to on of 36 ft. with a 22 lb. ton , accom– pli hed upon ver 1 v 1 ground on 3rd Jun . 1911, whil th latt r is inf rior to v ral private effort with a 15J lb. ton , parti ularly that of 46 ft. 10 in., achiev d in pr en e of s v ral athlcti a ociat s. will he noted, the author ha not gi,· n Y ry eriou att ntion to 1 aping. ,·aulting, running, etc. , but ha n v rth 1 s achi ved a long leap of 21 ft. 2 in. and 20 ft. 4 in. under ,·ery good ·onditions. In om- p titian h ha xc eclcd 20 ft. He ha indulged in vaulting a enjo able di,·ersion, while weight- throwing ha n adopted with much ucce . reasons. the author's priYat 1912 arc not adduced. Bow r .\ thl tic th .\ngu. t . h con i l r. it xpe<.lient to app ncl th following xtract tak n from th ''John o' (7roat J onrnal," dated 16th ~\ugu t : The h av , v 'nt w "re tak n part in by lo ·al m ' 11 particularly, but ·uffici nt int r ·t wa. adcle l to th cont ts by the pr . en ·e of J. \\'. , uth rland. th 175
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