Scientific Athletics
Marvellous Results Attained by the MAXICK-SALDO WILL-POWER SYSTEM. The wt,ndcrtul de, e1up111c•11L anu ,iutrul of' the mu,-des here d"pic eJ is the re– -.ult (in each in'-tance) ,,fa n,urse ,,f Pn-.tal Tuition in thl' w,,nderful disc,wcrie,– rccently made b) :\laxick (a B,t,·arian Peasant), and whi 'h wt•r • anal) zed by l\l. t->aldo. The , aluc nf the di-.l',l\' ·r~ rank,- in import ancc with "irckss td 'graphy, and the methods arc •t> ,i,Tlpk and n.,tural that 11<, apparatus is u~ed. OIJ theories fall before Ii \'ing fons, and this S) -.tem ha ... heen c:'\lled by a-.t rni,hcd pupils "The Energy Conserving System." For making bound muscles, supple, Joos ning stitl joints, the eradication <'f nenc111s and stoma hie di-.ordcrs, and the building up of emaciated bodies, thi, 1s the sy-.tem "sans rival," Pupib a. far off as Au-,cralia arc showing just as remarkable results a-. thest•. From Finchley to the ntipodt•!-. is a far cry, but nur mcthtids take no account ol distance. The grc;it mi, J knows no bound<.,, :,nd it is with ,111r minds we work. For full particular, ,,f the system that is producing e,·en more remarkable frats than the..,,·, mail a card to MAXICK & SALDO, ETON HOUSE, Dept., B., Cton Avenue, North Finchley, LONDON , N. and y,,u "ill recei\t.: hy return, gratis, and post free, our illu..,trateJ ex– planator) btit,klct. which il> the most remarkable thing of its kind in existence. If intcn'sted in the acquisition ol great strength. -.end 1'<. l~d. for :\la. ick's Book. "How to become a great athlete," which is printed on fine art paper. prt fuse!) illu-.tratcd with unique photo~. and full tlr ,,rigjnal and valuable informati,,n. 180
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