Scientific Athletics

Preparatory training was undergone in the gymnasium of Elis, a spacious edifice, surrounded by a double range of pillar , with an arena in th c ntr . Adjoining were various commodious apartment , con– taining baths and other conveniences for the com– batants. Th neighbouring country wa adorned with portico , shady walks and groves, int r per ed with seats and benches ; the whole originally design d to afford recreation-ground for pr liminary ex rci e, and fr quented in later times by sophists and philo opher , who were accu tomed to contemplate wisdom and communicate knowledge in tho del ctable retreat . The order of the athletic exer i es, or combats, wa establish d by Lycurgu , and orre pond almo t pre– cisely to that de crib d by Hom r in th 23rd book of the Iliad, and 8th of the Ody ey. Iphitu appointed the other cer moni s and entertainm nt : ettl d th r gular return of the festi al towards the termination of every fourth y ar, in July; and gav to th whol institution that form and arrang ment ·which it pre- erved with littl variation abov a thou and year -a period exc eding the duration of th mo t famou Kingdom and Republic of antiquit 1 • Among th b n fa tors of Olympic, at a much lat r p riod, vva r ckoned Herod, afterward V ing of J udcea. Ob rving on hi way to om the gam negl ct d and dwindling into insignifi ance through th indigence of th Eleans, he di play d gr at munificen e a pre id nt, and pro– vided an ampl r venu for th ir future maint nance and dignity. Th care and manag m nt of th~ Olympiads b long d to th El an . who on that a ount enjoyed their po cssion without mol tation or fear of war or viol nc . Th appoint d a ertain number of exp rts " ho w r to a c rtain that th who pr'- sented them lv omp titor p donned th ir preparative xerci , and the judge , during th sol mnity, at in a nud tat , having b fore th m a rown of vi tory, formed of wild olive, whi h ,va pre nt d to whom o v r they adiudg d it. 19