Scientific Athletics
')me, on idering th xtreme degr e of ferociou ne which at that time prevail d, have thought it not improbable that r markabl persons, indu d with portentous tr ngth and intrepidity, might undertak th cause of th oppre ed and travel about lik the more modern knight errant in qu t of adventures. mong the many antique legend is that of H rcul . The famou tatue of thi hero in the Fame Palac at Rome i well-known to connois urs. It r pr sents him r posing after the la t of hi twelve a hievem nt , r dining on hi club, and holding the apples of the He p rid s in his hand. In thi tatue he i formed, by the expans of hi hould r , th paciou n of hi ch st, hi abnormal dimen ions, and th firmn s of hi muscle , to personify tr ngth and a capacity for enduring great fatigu , which con tituted the ab tract principl of virtue among th an i nt h ath ns. It app ars that athl tic w re indulg d in throughout all age until our own tim . In this country, durin mediceval times, uch port as ar hery, quarter-staff, leaping, running, and wr tling were much in vogu . The unrivall d f at of hamm r-throwing and hot– putting were establi hed in Britain at a omparatiY ly arly period, and inferring from arly a count , \\' r v ry popular in th region of th BORDER . During the 17th and I th c nturi gam wer clivicl cl into thos of xerci e and tho of hazard. The fir t at gory ompri d hi fly of t nni , billiards an l athl tics g nerally; th latter la s embra ed th cliv rsions perform cl with cards or dice, u h as hazard, whi t, tc. The grO\vth of athletic during th 19th c ntur wa JLculiarly gratifying. ot only were athl ti club organis cl in all th principal town , in onne ion with Cniv r ities, Publi chool , 1ilitary R gim nt., Inclustrial Estal li hm nt , t ., but many villag s an 1 hamlet boa. t cl of an athl tic club. The objection of th olcl r an l illit rate ect w r di pos d of, and a.thl lies wer" r l m cl from obscurity and contempt. 25
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