Scientific Athletics
or, as a matt r of fact, in any sport wher physical strength i ssential. Emphasis is therefore laid upon the above fact becau e, fir tly, organic affection are generally dee ptive, and frequently lighted, and so compl te the victim' danger; and, econdly, a urning the victim to b a would-be athlete, athletic , instead of culpable negligence, would be vehemently denounc d by all those immediately concerned. In a subs quent chapter entitled '' Augmentation of Volition and Physical Pow r," reliable advice in regard to the am lioration of heart w akn s , etc., is tendered . . econdly- thletici m i inexpedient , h n th enthu iast i impotent and unprepar d for the omewhat nergetic ex rtion involv d therein, b cau fatigue, trains, prains, and even luxation and fra tur , would be unduly immin nt, so that immunity from di. ipation and injury could not be anticipat d. But, apart from th e ri ks, the internal vitals might be deranged or ven in apa itated, and owing to th flaccidity of th abdominal mu le hernia might uperv n . Hen tho vvho are phy ically incapabl ar urged to undergo pr paratory exerci , a pr - scrib d in th hapter alr ady referred to, or und r the upervision of reliabl Phy i al Cultur Expert , in ord r to improv the conformation and tr ngth of the phy ique and also to harmoni any impotent part of th body, and thu appr ciat th aphori m, ''. chain i equal to the str ngth of it w ak t link.'' Thi invaluabl pr di position tr at d compr - hensiv ly h r inaft r, and it i likewise h r aft r emphatically impre . eel upon the ambitiou novi e that by pr parator exerci ub equent ucc in athl ti s i tr bly en ur d. Thirdly-The quality and quantity of thing worn whil t practi ing athleti hould b compatible with th atmospheri conditions, o as to pre effe th natural bodily temperatur unimpair d throughout. Th de– privation of heat from th body by sudden e ·p sure to cold is the r a on for numerou ailm nt , a th bodily :n
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