Scientific Athletics
d void of trcngth, in apabl of nduring u 'tainecl exertion, an l may pro,·c baneful to health er attained. Hen e abnormal physical de,·elopm nt whi h, more– over, d plet s en rgy, tr ngth, and nen"ou pow r, should b ignor d. He who i ob e ed \Yith the cl ire to ex el should th refor r o-ar l ,·itality as an all-imp rtant s ential, and, in order t augment the ame, th followin advic houlcl h oh ff d :- How T GE:::--;ER.HE "\'IT.\LITY. First-The most important ag nt ·. ntial in enerat– ing ,·itality is nutrition foo 1, without a proper amount of which energy cannot p) ibly h awrm nt cl. The li t qu tion i. treated in a ub qu nt hapt r, o that a reca1 itulation of the ·am i · unneces ary. ecoJLdly-Physical cultur , a shew 1 Le\\'h incli p n abl . Thirdly Pa .·tiripafon in outd or v ·frne. mo t c ndur;ve to tamina. but. di ipation of th . pirit mu t imperati,· ly b avoid 1. Of th . 'ports, o-clfing, ycling, angling, hooting, tc., are th be t ; \·hile tho ·uch a boating, rick t, la\\'n t nni , ridin . et'., ar qually conduci,· . , tr nuou or protract cl ;nclul– gence in any sport i . of cour e. preju to health, for, apart from the rl.egree of nergy an l strength exp ncl cl, the Yital, may b on'r-tax cl. principally on arcou,1t of th prominent. action of th large nm. cl s of th low r limb , and. consequently. r nclerecl more u ceptibl to clisorcl r . \Valking is another x ellcnt r er ~tion. In orch· to ct ri,· th utmost ben fit th r from. it i to maintain th bocly upright an l ,·igoron , . ·rnultanee,u ·ly li t n l th ch ·t, contra ting ancl r. Ja 'ing alt mat ly all mu le·. esp 'ially tho, of the 1 >W r limb . Ex ut five pace', at. the am tim inl,al through th' rnkc. thu filling th lung to th ir utmo ·t apa ity. P th air in the lung whil t two additional pa b ing taken, th n xhale, s'multan 011. ly fn· pace:. and two mor ~7
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