Scientific Athletics
whilst th lung ar compl t 1 d flated ; and o on. Health- eek r ar urg d to alway u thi proper and m thodical manner of deep-br athing. Th abm xerci, may be modified by on ntratin the mind upon the back, lati imu dor i. int rco tal, and arm mu le . in order to render the phy ique ub– ·en-i nt or r pon i\' to the will. Any diffi ulty ,, hich may b en ounter d in th xecution of th e nrn,· ments an b o,· rcome by p r everan e and con– e ntration of will. Fourthly- ongenial outdoor work ben fit the vitality and trength ; but onfu cl, int rminable drudg ry violate Tature' pr ept . How TO PRE ERVE VITALITY. First- X othing di ipat th pmt mor than in- clul ing too fr qu ntly in or unduly prolonging port which nece itate mu h phy i al ex rtion. ..\ thi applie mor particularly to athl tic , it i h r mpha– si. d, that th numb r of trial must be duly limit d. If this important ml b negle t d and th port pra - ti ·~cl promi cuou ly, it will be ome injuriou owing to lo. of n rgy and th ontinual pr ence of languid- 11 When obliged to onvey any ,,. ight to , habituat the left hand to do o, th vitality of th right arm. In ential to arry w ight ov r cl on on 3
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