Scientific Athletics
D p via, In omnia, and Lumbago ; Ob ity, Palpita– tion, and Rh umati m. The cir ulation of the blood i timulate l ; r gular p r piration i induced ; animal . pirit are accelerated, and their di tributi n through the fibre of the body facilitat d. Obs ur muscle ar d ,·elop cl into ymmetri al proporti n . \'olition– power, tr ngth and v rve are literally revolutioni d, and equanimity and If-reliance, which alone augur w 11 for ub qu nt pro perity, gr atly increa ed. The a cumulation of pulenc i vidently the primary a piration of th mo l rn man ; wherea the improvement of hi health and bodily ymm try i generally neglect d. ur tran itory tate i v r. u ceptible to vici itud s : w njoy tol rable health to- lay, but, perchance, it may be oth rwi e to-morrow. But our pr ariou exi - t n i rend r d ven more un rtain when we per i - t ntly violat _'atur ' pr ept - pr c pt which cannot tol rat \'iolation without ,·indicating th ir importance by ha tening our ncl. In the initial or lem r tag of physical cultur . di. crimination mu t b xerci el in the adoption of an appropriat cl gr e of exer i . Th dumb-b 11 ad,·o ated mu t b o graduated a to im·olv rational x rtion wh n u ed. whil int n. e con entration of mind an 1 a i<luous application are ab olutely ntial in ff cting the material r ult. which univ r. ally attend effi aciou x r i . Con ntration of will i 1m1 rov th physi al and m ntal faculti . and th mu cular trength acquir d through it in trum ntality i undeniably appreciable. _, v rthele. , empha i. mu t b laid upon the fact that, before th Yariou group of mus 1 can h brought into promin nt r li f by will-pow r, per veran ancl t nacity of cle. ign ar incli l ensabl . \Vhen an incr a. c of corpor al weight i cl irecl, x rri. e all rudirn ntar -' mu. cl . "raclually, according to a minimi. cl seal , for :c,· ral week~befor ex rting full one ,ntration of will ; b au copiou p r piration, which mi~ht. oth rwi. e ensue, nee ~s. itat _ a diminution 42
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