Scientific Athletics
on titutional 1 eculiaritie . In th above pr ed nt, however, the pr rib d w ight hould in-rnlve suffi– cient exertion ; Lut an O\'erw ight bell i to b avoid d, b cau e th opp1rtunity of x rting volition-power would thu be nm what pr ludecl, or, at 1 a t, coul l not be o pow rfully x r i ed. The rea )11 why a rea nably h avy dumb-b 11 i advo ated is. that light dumb-bell x r i s, although apparently ben ficial to edentary men, cannot nerat trength in prnportion t th phy ·ical cle\· lopment thu attained. A 7 ain, wh n light dumb-b 11 are advo- cated, alm(L t innumerabl reit ration -which ar u tomarily perf mned m chanically-are g n rally pre- crib d. on~ qucntly the phy ical- ulturi t execut a pr po t rou number of fri\'Olou gyration , and eventuallv b come mu cl -bound. Th mu cle thu d v loped is recalcitrant. and practically cl titut of trength and utility, and imm diately the e tediou x rci e ar su pended, the artificial cl velopm nt acquired practically di appear , leaving th emaciat cl would-be athl t minu an incalculabl cl gree of trength and vitality. In pit of th fa t that lifter nl p rioclicals and publications ha\' laudably xpo d th trap into whi h quack lur the un u pecting h alth- ·eek r . \\' mu t further warn th phys;c,.,1-culture cnthu iast · to bewar of being innJlv cl with the charlat::i n, ancl ummari hi procedur a follow : Fin::tly: H in icliou ly main– tains that v ry in lividual mu cl r quires an x 1 cis pecifically a lapte l to it lf. in orcl r that h may thu b enahl cl to heap together a ricli ulous number of diagram , with a Jrre ponding mass of clupli at d ruh– bi h. . ecolldly: The eh u e: u-1 -rupulou ly, eulogi ing th unrivall cl excellen y of hi tuition. which he forth r tr ngth n. by aclcling \' ral "un olicit cl" t ti- monial . and nltimat ly dclu l . many er dulou · p opl . In methodical ph i al ulture, how \' r. compara– tiv ly f ,,. .· rcise ncce ar , b ause thos mu ·cles ,vhich ar nbs ffi nt to the will can b ex r ·isecl -+-+
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