Scientific Athletics

simultaneou ly-an utter impo ibility in th om what medi~val m tho l of ex cu ting innum rabl me -hanical movcm nt . :\Ior ov r, ;t i po sible ufficiently to exerci subservient mu-cle. in four or fi\·e r petition , a· -urning, of cour , that ordinary volition power be po ·- .ed. By performing the followin xerci e it will be found that ·tr ngth ancl vitality, togeth r with If-control, will h laily incr a ed :- ExER r 'E I. , tancl firmly, a'1cl, with the arm straight, ·l wly revolve th cl umh-hcll circuitou ·ly to the left direction. , inrnltaneou ]y mm·e the bocl.) in un;sDn with th bell, incline lio-htly l)ackwarcls. 2.ncl contract ancl relax alternat ly all compliant muscles. , traighten the leg imm cliately the bell i, elevated aloft. Repeat four time·. Ex c r-cisc 1. -15