Scientific Athletics
Th n hold th dumb-bell in th left hand and r volv it in the am dir tion a form rly. Rep at th am number of time . Having xerci d both arm , et ., con· cuti\ ly. ara p th dumb-bell in both hand and d cribe eight r rnlution with gr at peed. If 1 ft-handed, revolve th bell c ntrarily, commen ing with the ame in th left hand. .\fter a \\' k' · careful practi e increa e th \\:eight of th dumb-b 11 ; but do not incr a e the numb r of rep - tition . Thi i a peculiarly fin exerci · adapted to trengthen and d vel p tho e mu le prominently ex rt d in th ' f at of hammer-throwing, and will certainl incr as the athl te' · capability in that art. EXERCI E 2. um th' attitud depict cl in th ar ompanying illu tration. Th n , with all ·ub ·ervient mu cl rnn- Exercise 2.
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