Scientific Athletics
Exercise 4. regard cl as th pioneer of thi . cientific lift ; \\·hile hi tr ngth and techniqu ar unri,;alled. ExER I E 5. In thi xer i e the dumb-bell gin pla e to that mighty faculty, the \\'ILL. , tanc1 at att ntion, and di tend th ch t forwar 1 as far a po ·sible, at th time stiff n the wai t, aml contract th limb minecll . Bring th arms slo\\'ly m· rh ad and imul– tan ou ly tiffen th pectorals and lat1·s ·imu · dorsi (che t muscl . ), and rise a high a. po s·h1° upon th to ~. Gradually fore th arm. hack,Y2.nls and cl wnwarcl until th p , ition , hewn h r "·ith is as nm cl. At this junctur the h t should b dilated outward., and all suhs8rvi nt mu cl thoroucrh]y tensed. Wh n contraction i · proprrly a ·cc mpli h cl, the· cl nominat l vastus intenz11 , •a tus externu , rcctus jeniopis, and sartorius ( ituat cl b t\\'een the -19
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