Scientific Athletics
to climini h up rfluou adipo tis ue, whi h g nerally a umulat sin the above r gion , and im'ariably impair the uniformity of th bodily tructure . \ \'hen trenuou f at ar injucliciou ly p rform d without du r gard to initiatory pr paration, num r us mu le , particularly the external oblique, located in the ide , are v ry expo d to strain ; and th horrors of hernia ar ever imminent. The ab v exerci e, how ver, ff ctually forf nd all uch ata troph EXERCI E 8. Gra p a tabl upport , and a ume th po, ition repre– nted her with. Th n, by inclining th bo ly down– ward , and imultan ou ly pr ing the foot again t th Exercise 8,
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