Scientific Athletics
EXERCI E 11. B nd clmrn, plac the hand , firmly upon tht> .A onr, throw the lPg. upward . and encl avour to ustain the bodily w ight upon th arm . Prarti e thi exerci ad libitum. Th aboY frat may occa ion rlifficnlty h fore bemg properly performed ; hut. when nnce ma tered, it performance should invariably r Yi\·e the spirits. T\\'o \'ariation of thi x rci e mav h introdu ed :– Firstly, End avour to walk upon ~ the hand ; and, secondly, ml the arm until the head touche. th floor, and th n pres th body up\\'ard . . hould the equili– brium of the body whilst exerci ing be partially lo t. rectify th sam by contracting the arm , and c unter– act.ina th prepond ranc of weight in an parti ular clir ction. Th muscle in th up1 rmost part of th bod are str ngth ned by thi aclmirabl ex r 1 EXERCL E 12. Th pr :ent exerci tests t.he cl gree of mu ·cula1 - control possessed. and may eng nd r con id 'rable diffi– 'ult before heing ultimately achi \' cl. It i. perform d by dra\\'ing in the waist. and th reaf t r imultaneou ly forcing out and contracting O'.\E SIDE only. P rform thi. exercise ad libitum. PERSEVERA~ E. \YILL-PO\\.ER, and , e .·n Ll _ ·c~ are ah. q]utely e:s .ntial m a demon. tration of uch mnscular-suhjugation. Olwiou 1 , this pow r of mind ov r matter i~ -ver , remote from b ing fortuitou . Hen the fortunat poss ssor of thi: sixth en e is w 11-nigh immun from all lung cli. orders, which ar invariably rampant and altog th r prejudicial to health. ~ ot onl will th practice of this contraction r µel th ':e inch, position , but experience shows that it remm·es nhcsity, on tipa-
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