Scientific Athletics

tion, etc.. and that it i undoubtedly a more salubrious and e anomic pr ventative or r medy of such ailments than frau lulent ompound - the ingredients of whi h ar unr cogni able-per i tently off red to th publi of th preceding xer ise prov d by exp ri nee to b unquestionabl , and, th r - for , th y are con cientiou ly commended to the g n - rality of tho e in pur uit of h alth and trength. Indi– vidual who may object t o the ff ct· of prof ional athl ti i m hould habituate th m elve to th for going congenial xer ises, for by o doing th y will en ure a proper li po ition of th body, con i ting of a du t m– peram nt, a uniform onformation, and a pontaneous fre exerci 'e of all the vital functions . The delicate part of our bodies becom inanimat d and ema culate 1. and th minut pore of the kin clo d through which the per piration should e ·cap , when w do not ex rci e. Th noxiou matter which thus accrue ancl ohc:truct the op ning of the kin top th inYoluntary . cq.p of p r pirati n and natural ffluvia of the body. The e e.. ntial clischarg being thu impecled im·olv into] rabl train upon th internal organ ancl ,·i tiate the blood, ancl the inevitable result will be tlrn.t th door · of health ancl tr ngth \,·ill l)c barred again tu·. through~ yatrne' · insurr cticm against her maltrl'atm nt. Th olwiou · fact that our health depends ,·cry la_rg ly upon the reo-ularit:v of the skin' function . ·c.; clearly indicated when \\'e contra ·t th(' ruclcl~·, cou;1try rustic. with th ir paler city contem– porane ·. .\lthongh nothing is more conducive to health au l tren th than appropriat ex rci e, y t frequ nt inclul– g n e in vi 1 nt or unduly protra t d recr ation not only di· ·ipat th pirit , cl troy th ela 'tirity of the fibres, ancl exhau ts the fluid on titu nt of the hlood, 56