Scientific Athletics
hut al cau e nlargement of th heart-a very 0 ra\·e occurr nee. \\'hen convale c nt. or subject to h art weakn , sev rely avoid any energ tic xer i which might aggrnvat the malady, and, hould light exerci be taken at all, it y temati ordering i ab olutely obliga– tory. A urning the heart to b li htly affe ted, it am lioration i f a.ible, and may b fleet d by indulgina in mo t of the for goin x rci e. , wh n the follmYing modifi r1tion.:J are to b ob n'ed :-First, Th dumb-h 11 i inadniis ible, an l has to be ubstituted by the \YILL, which i singularly adapted to improv a r trogr s i,·e constitution ; econdly, The regularity of re ·piration must be unimpaired ; tlzirdl_v, Protract cl train mu t b ab olutely vad d ; and, fourthly, It i xp client t o hav a medical practition r a certain th pr ci e 1:atur and actual ma nitude of any int rnal d rang m nt-. be au maladju tment of exerci \\'Ould pro,·c mo.'t perni iou to h alth, and th ev r-immin nt an l ine ,·it– able pro ·tration would oon occur. \\'h n performing Exerci ·e yo . 1 and 2, minimis the clegrc of mind- oncentration, esp ci:::i lly at th e ·tart. and repeat only fi,·e time . Omit Ex rci ·e ... yos. 3 ar.d 4, until tr ngth and ,·ihlity are uffi ie ntly augm nt ,c1 to n ure beneficial ff ct from the use of the dnml)-hdl. Th 5th Ex r isc is appropriat . but the ·om what pro– long cl ten ·ion engend r cl ther in under orcli11a1 :-· c · rcnn– stanc · mu t he a,·oid,cl. Exerci ·e ... ·a. 6 ma:,' h per– form cl a inclicated. but th ,,. i ht< f th boclv shcul l be 11niLm11ly apportione l upon both leg . o a· to an1i l i1wuh·ing inordinate strain upon th' h 'art. P "rfo1 m Ex ricse 7 a. pr viously clirect cl, but all vi:-itc the strain by extcncling the arm out\,·arcls and in lining forward . ancl then a.:um~ an upright attitu le \\'itbout incurring undue xertion. onccntrat the mind upon all ubjugat d muscl 's, gi,·ing ach individual 7 roup a certain amount of tension, and causing th m to ache. Ex rci ... ·o . , 11, and 12 houkl h exempt d from t.he daily curriculum, un 1 il ' trenath is attained, after 57
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