Scientific Athletics
whi h th y may be onfi lently practi cl. P dorm Ex rci Xo . 9 and 10 as dir ct c1, but do not practi full one ntration of will. Be car ful to guard again t fatigu , which i ver r ady to attack th neglig nt phy ical-culturi t who ignor s - ~ atur 's dang r signal. Imm diately th mu cl b come omewhat indol nt. or when a vapid n ation i pr ent, ab olute r t i imperative in order to r u citate the . pirit and renovat the natural vivacit,, in th muscle . which ·houl l cau th m to vibrate~ "·h n incit d by the will. \\'h n con ciou that trength and vitality ar uperfi ial, end avour to a c r– tain. with all po ibl pr ci ion the cau ·e to which the up rficiality may b attributed, and th n rectify th mi. take. Phy i al app aran may obviously prov cl c ptiv in regard to th c nclition of th int rnal organ . Th r f re. after b ing nurtur cl back to apparent h alth and tr ngth through the in trumentality of m thoclical exer i . avoid am' unwonted or trenuou feat ; b cans th as. umption ·of an absolut recov ry may be poignantly r ali 1 to b fal]aciou . vYh n in a cl bilitat cl or pr ariou condition, let the acqui i– tion of h alt.h b th primary object. and trength will un loubt clly a company the am It is. of our e, ,·icl nt that th ptible to mun rou malignant di eas s p Thi mus ular organ, of about th iz of a clo eel hand, i. nvelop d in the p ricarclium hag, practi ally ur– roun l cl hy the lung , and i in lin d to the 1 ft icle of th ch t. .\. affirmed, this peculiar organism contra t. and expand. in· h alth ov r a lnm<lr cl thou and tim . per lay. Therefor it mu t be ohviou. that when thi ,·ital i aff t cl "lif hang upon a thr ad." H art– clisea e i p culiarl p rilou , ancl, a a matter of fact, irr mecliabl . Exerci ·e i malapropos, 1J cau th h "art i mo t u ceptibl to irritation, and con equ ntly th, malady might only b increa. cl and a fatal ncl ha.·t n cl. .\lthough th transition from thi gri nm to p rfcct health is unlikely, n v rth ,J .. it i not
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