Scientific Athletics
\\'l:en th spirits b ome d pr cl aft r x rc1 e ins tead of being animat cl, 1 en th d gr of xertion at ubsequent practi s, and, after a lap of everal week , sy t matically increa e th daily routine in har– mo 1y with the augm ntation of tamina. hould la i– tucl up rvene \\'hil t x rci ing, cea e clir ctly in tinct ·ignals "danger.'' \Vhen aff cted by a ,·er light indis– po ition, however. x r i ,,. according to a gr atly r luced ancl m 1difi cl cale. l<. lax the mu cle immediat ly aft r 'erci e, enjoy a t pid or cold bath, followed by vigorou fri tion and manipulation of the mu le_, e pecially in tho reaion ,vh re adscititiou a lipos ti ue may ha,·e accumulated , an l tlm cau e it t gradually di app ar. \\'ith r gard to an pportune tim for x rci e, thi p )int is rath r controv rtible. :\Iany aclvocat of phy ical ultur pr f r to ex rci in th arly morning ; oth · during th afternoon ; hut th g n rality at night. .\ . urning that an invigorating walk 'oulcl b nj y l in th morning. ex rcise might be cl f rrecl until night, wh n the mu cl would b more fl xihl , re pon iv , and pr di p , cl for ex rtion. Howe,· r, \\'h n 'ir um- tan do not p rmit of thi.. ex rcis houkl b acl ptecl, hut prece led by a cold bath, which ,,·ill pro,· xhilarat– ing an 1 an effe tiv in ntiv to con ntration of " ·ill. Exe··ci in a thoroughly v ntilat l and capa icn apartment, with a normal temp rature. \\'hen x– peclient, xerci during ummer in th open atmo pher . Th novi e who ju li iously und rgoe an e.'hau ti,·e preparation h fore indulging in athl t ic almo t inva– riahly oufri s unpr I ar cl and omparati,·ely impotent comp titor in th port.. E,· n individual \\·ho ar nclu cl with pre- mincnt ·tr n th ancl proportion ar almo t nn i,·e1 sall , lef t.ive in part i u]ar part of th bod , upon \\·hi ' h ·train i invoh·e l in athl ticism. Th is may be ve1· fi ·cl by any ca ual opportunite of t e ting th athl tic capa ity of ·nch men, \\'ho ini tial ffort in. say, putting th light ' hot, g n rally approximat , hut rarely exce l, a di . tan ce of thirty f C::t. It \\'CJuld 61
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