Scientific Athletics
he no exaga to ay that the majority of the m n would, wh n i ntifically trained and killed by pra tice, incr a e th ir ability in thi f at to the ext nt of ten or twelve feet, onjunctly with a proportional increa in oth r athl ti feat . Arationaldegree of outdoor recr ation i indispen abl , b ing conclu ive to both th phy ical and m nta] fa ul– ti . :1-forco,· r, it prove an admirable r laxation from tudiou · ed ntary pur uit . ongenial outdoor work, al o, i mo t benefi ial to health and tamina. It must be emphasised, hovv ver, that an inorclinat degree of manual drudg r:; i diam tri ally a,- r to r a ·on, and invariably d - g n rat and cl hilitat th human accompli hm nt . 62
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