Scientific Athletics
grnuncl. The previou warning one rning thi matt r ·hould now be con idered, but it mu t be added that, when so doing, the athlet must take into con ·id ration, not only the ground it elf, but it urrounding . The mi ile wh n throvvn may deviate from th cour e, era h through the window of a re i l nee, and po ibly injure ome of the occupants. When uitable recreation-ground ha been found, pro urea pi ce of wood, mea uring 3 ft. by 6 in_. by 2 in , which, when ecurely affix d to th earth, indi ate the precise point from ,,vhich mis il are to be thrown. The art of hamm r-throwing, hot-put.ting, t .. are explain d exhau ti,,ely in chapt r d vot d x lu- ivcly to them eh· s. \Y ,vould empha~i- e that it i: v ry necessary for th no,·ice to inve tigatc the cliff rent f at in which h desire to xcel, because ach particular art call trongly for individuality. ttitud which may be a lmirably ada1 t cl to th tructural p cnliaritie of ome individuals may b impo ibiliti to other . How'v r, any adroit mov m nt , adventitiou 1, exe– cut l, houlcl not b n gl ct d but. rath r tudied and r h ar ed in ub equent trial . It is uch appar nt whi h ontrihut imm n ely to perf ction of t. chnique in athl tic . \i\'it.h regard to hamm r-throwing, an effica ious m thocl whi h culti,,ate · t.he wing is to practi e the art upon a d clin , b ans , wh n the hamm r i cli char eel clown hill, the p dormer i · n c ssitat cl to inclin th body ha 'kwarcls whil t r rnlving the mi il . Should th b ginn r b of omparati,·el short tature h may, 'specially in comp tition, hut rar ly in private. cnclea– ,·our to arrang the tan' o that it may approximate a ca,·ity. Thi. procedure incal ulabl a i ts the athl t , for, Fz'rstly, grratcr vclo ity an b graduat cl ; and, SecoJ1dlv, a gr atcr el vat.ion obtained. ~Ioclif y the daily x r ·i. of hamm r-throwing by u. ing different shaft·, but. ·onformably with th cla i al length. i.e., 4 ft. 2 ins. ~ yot the primary achi vement ex cut,cl with 'ach. and also a c rtain th most. uitable 65
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