Scientific Athletics
pattern of haft ; b cau e, in erious rivalry, the option of several haft may ultimately occur. The b ginn r hould not p rsist in utilising a p culiarly favourable haft, prin ipally b cau e he may encounter an un– wieldy imitation of one in ompetition, when its inepti- tude would obviou ly disconcert him. Th indi pen ability of conducive atmo pheric con– ditions ha b n already cliscu d. uffi e it to say, that athl ti mi ile hould not be thrown diam trically again t a gale, for thi would frustrate all m ritoriou effort . But rather ameliorat th po ition by di - charging th mi ile in the contrary and favourabl direction. \Vh n con. pi uou advan em nt in hammer-throwing i specially ought, an effectual proceeding is to con- id rably increa e th weight of th hammer, and p r– form thre trials with the am : immediately after us the mi sile a in the fir t in tance. Th modifi ation of th hamm r may be a complish d 1y adding an ordinary 7 lbs. weight, th ring of whi h may r ceiv the haft. This proc clur is very u fol and eff ctiv , and hould be p rformcd once a week ; frequent r cour to the am h ing inadvisahl . In refer n e to h t-putting, v ral variation may be introduc 1. The ball hould fr quentl he sub titut cl by a proportional ton o that monotony may b av rted. A in hamm r-throwing, all appre iabl p rformance, in this f at hould b re orded, and lifferent achicv ments contra t cl opportunely. Inci- dentally, th initial mov m nt in thi feat may b execut cl uphill, as thi greatly incr as th trength of th limb.. On oth r oc a i n the heginn r might perform downhill, an l thu b habituated to the p cu– liaritie. of hot-putting wh n p rform cl under div r. circumstan s. Th e r marks are al o appli able to the art of hammer-throwing. mo t xp client, if not unrivall d mode of pri ate pra ti in hot-putting, an l n whi h av th p 'r– f rmer much walking, i to mit th hot uphill, so that 66
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