Scientific Athletics

hours aft r the evening repa t would not be un– uitabl , although in ord r to en ur prop r a imila– tion an additional hour of r t w uld b mo t xp dient. Wh n much phy ical xertion i being undergone, fatigue i ever impending, o that a areful guard again t all 11 rvating influ nces i njoin cl. An ffectual t p in this dir ction i to di over the degree of trength and vitality poss s ed, and th n ar fully cl termine a judiciou amount of ex rci . :Mu tard bath hould be employed, and the mu les embrocated and manipu– lat d, so a to maintain th ir flexibility and ub rviency. Congenial outdoor re reation hould be pur ued in the training routin , b cau apart from their ben ficial influence, th s innovation, di pel monoton '. and will prove an admirabl relaxation from the mor trenuou, feat incorporat cl in athl ti . Excr i e b fore retiring at night cannot b con– scientiously advocated, b au , clep ndin on can– ting nt circum tanc , it i pur ly conditional. \ \'hen favourably di po, cl, th at.hl te may gratify hi le ir by exer i ing rationally for m time, but houlcl any xhau tion be p re iY d ab olut re t i ohYiou ly imp rativ . On the other hand, let u im·c tigate the a of many . clcntary toiler , who although immune from, b cause th ar generally incapacitated for, manual work, ar n verth le , ·om what cxhau t cl both phy ·ically and mentally, ch· fly through many frivolou but cli, trading vi i, itucl , . H alth one of man's ine timallc gift hould not. he ruined through th pur ·uit of mon y ; it. b ing obviou. that h alth cannot b pur has d, nor, in i– d ntally, th protract d and ex tortur of gout ea cl by guineas, or ven by a r al Iicla.. The cdentary man honlcl in ariabl I utili a hcaYy dumb-hell, ex rci ing caution, of cour , to gracluat th am to hi con titutional p culiariti , o that ex es iv stres is not laid upon lax mu le . \ 'olition– pow r in x rci e i p culiarl ffica iou in th pr nt n