Scientific Athletics

CHAPTER V. ILITIE IN ATHLETI T HE purpo of this chapt r i far-reaching, and will undoubtedly command the univ r al approbation of all pro p tiv and ambitious athlete , ina much ac; it may h in trum ntal in imparting inspiration and ' xplicating weighty con icleration which have b en apparently omitt cl in form r productions. The follow– ing fact will b both intere ting and instructive, and may b of help to novic s who ar involv d in cliffi– culti cone rning the mea ur of ucc , they hould achieve at particular ag s and stag . The remarkable influen e of cliff r nt pursuits upon th constitution ha b n alr ady shown, o that it would b irrational to presum that all p rs n should accomplish f ats qually meritoriou . With this in ,·icw w proceed to con icler the as of a boy of fift en, pos s cl of ordinary abiliti s and immun from any 1Pr ditary ailment . At the nd of a ca on's mod rate application to the f at: of hamm r-throwing and shot– putting, h ma l ut a 14 lb. sh t and thr w a hamm r of Jik weight 2 ft. and 60 ft. r pectiv ly. Pre urning that he lo s e con picuou tr ngth and d velopment of physiqu h might xcel th s distan s, because th heavier the body th greater will b the di tan c, giv n, of cour , a modicum of kill. When th b ginn r, howev r, i not v ry strong, r und r th stipu– lated age, he n d not be disappoint d that h cannot reach th 'S figur s. If the athl te x ds the ab v 78