Scientific Athletics

i urged to note in a privat athletic journal all hi principal performances. The writer has carefully done s1 from the beginning of his athletic career, and now obs rv s that, for example, during th year 1907 he improved in putting a 14 lb. implement from 33i ft. to 3n ft., and in throwing a 16 lb. hammer from 82 ft. to 95 ft. During th year 1908 his advancement in putting a 16 lb. shot wa from about 36 ft. to 39J ft., and in throwing a hammer of like v,·eight from 95 ft. to about 105 ft. But the ab olute authenticity of th condition under whi h these achi vements w re a com– plished cannot be vouched. Th e fact are mentioned in order to urge on th beginn r to leav no tone un– turned in the endeavour to attain proficiency in his sport. The above precedent forth r indicates the goal that await the vigilant and p r vering athlet who confronts all diffi ulties undaunt dly. :\Iany athl t s. however, like our gr at poet and musicians, ar bom , not mad . In the _light-weight category of athl ti skill ca1. g nerally be acquired ooner than in the opposite d :;partment. H nee at the ag of 18 or 19 y ars th re hav be n ample opportuniti of being in talled in tlw foremo t rank of su ce ful athletes. With r f ren e to a mature athl te's possibilities, this i perhap a more comprehen iv que tion ; hut th characteri tics of the bodily tructur , etc., must of course b consider cl from th , ame stand-point. For xample , a man of about 6 f t in h ight and with a corr spon ling bodily w ight, can cnt rtain mor anguin expectations, e p ially in hamm r-throwing, than can a 5 ft. 8 in. man, w ighing about 11 ~ ton . In , hot– putting, however, th comparatively light athlet , p s cssed of gr at vitalit , swiftn , and t chniqu . may equal or ven xc 1 the achi vem nts of th heavy perform r. n athlet of 5 ft. 9 in., and weighing about 13 stone, can hope to attain xceptional proficiency in trenuous athl tic f at , and provicl d he b v ry cientific, resolute, 80