Scientific Athletics

CHAPTER VI. DIET, ET N EXT to air, nutriment i th mot n c sary thing for the preservation of our bo li , and a the harmony of our temp rament vitally depends on this it i of gr at im1 ortance to under tand in general what ar the most nutritiou and appropriate food . With regard to the cla sification of th foods u ual]y partaken of, they ar mo tly animal and vegetable– that is, organic, and th y may be distinguish cl under two categ ri s, sc., nitrogenou and non-nitrogenous. I. ITROGE~O FOOD ar div r ly r ogni ed a Albuminoid , Proteids, or Fle h Producers. They com– prise th most valuable con titu nts of m at and bread, being principally omposed of nitrogen, tog th r with carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, ulphur, and phosphorous. Among th foods which contain th qualities ar butcher meat, dairy produ e, fowls, gg , fish, beans, auliflow r, lentils, pea , t . As th body con um a large amount of nitrogen daily, a pr pon 1 ranee of the above food is advi ed. Obviou ly th y annot b partaken of oth rwi than in th form of albumin ids or prot ids. The following ar th principal forms of nitrog nou foods:- (a) }IBRIN. This is an s. ntial 1 m nt of vege– tabl and animal organism , pr s nt in th blood, and i pr curabl by beating th blood with twig , to which it a lh r . It i a whit 82