Scientific Athletics
sub tance, i insolubl m water but dissolve in solutions of c rtain n utral alts. The veg.etable fibrin is extracted from certain gram. (b) L TE . Th nitrog nous lem nt of flour, on tituting its most nutritiou attribute. It is also found in the seeds of th cereals, is insoluble, and i losely alli d to the flesh of animal . It on titnents are gluten fibrin, gluten ca ein, gliadin, and mucin. (c) LEGU~n . This is a nitrogenou proteid ub– tance found in b ans, 1 ntil , p a , and other leguminou plant . It i al o known as '' veg table casein.'' (d) LB mn -. . \n sen tial animal organi m, and pr pur t form in th whit th human bl cl and ar ustained. It oagulat , under h at or by th influ nc of alcohol or c rtain a id , and is further capabl of ·o]nbl or in olubl m clification, . It al o prO\·ide an anti-to ·in in orro iv sublimat poi ning. (e) A EI~. Thi i an ingr cli nt in milk which coagulate. by th action of a id , when it is t rm cl ' ' urd.' ' II. o. ·-~ITROGE~OU FOOD arc de,·oid of nitrog 11, and con qu ntly annot contribute to th ren wal of th nitrogenou . clepl tion in the body. Th y are heat.– pr du ing, and are wicl ly cli,·er ifiecl among th m Ives. The following ar th, chi f forms of non-nitr g nou food : (a) TAR II is an organic ompound found in the granule. of most gre n plant , but p cially in the , eccls of clicotvl donou and real plants potatoes, rice, - ,t_ '. It i o lourle and in:ipicl , r ·embles white powder, and is a 3
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