Scientific Athletics

carbohydrate onsi ting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. (b) GAR is of everal varieties, being obtained from sugar-cane, sugar-beet, ugar-mapl , et . Glucose i found in grap s and oth r fruits. Milk ugar is obtain d from milk. (c) FAT contain mu h carbon and hydrog n, which are exc edingly ombu tibl . They are ither of animal or of veg table origin, and occur in butt r, margarine, etc. ; th fat of butcher meat; oils contain d in uch v getables as onion , le k , etc. ; and in variou nuts, ed , (d) t . Th y greatly as ist in maintaining th bodily h at, generating vitality, ren ·wing adipo e tis ue , and facilitating th a imila– tion of oth r food . Bene the rea on why the Esquimaux are o pa ionately fond of train oil and whale blubb r. (e) ::\lINERAL , ALT