Scientific Athletics
iron, tc., which are obtain d from depo it in th arth ; salt- pring , ea-water, milk, m at. fruit , veg table , cl , t . Animal h at i proclu eel by the ombu tion of hydro– gen ancl arbon in th capillary ve el . These v sel which convey th blood through every part of th human frame, are x dingly diminutive. It may b a ·ked: How do hyclrog n and carbon g t into th se minute v el ? B ause most. of ur food i convert cl int blood, which contain both th e e entials– hydrogen and arbon. ombu tion i produ ed by the coale nee of th carbon of th blood and the oxygen of th air, and thi form carboni a id ga . which i p rpetually breath d. Our 1 lood and jui naturall in line to be ome putrid and acrimoniou , an l v ry bon , mus le, n rve, and organ of th bod i gradually on urned by com– bu tion when we partak of improp r or inad quat fool ; but fr h and nutritiv food av rts thi de- tru tiv t nd ncy, and maintain the body in that oncor lant, mild tat whi h alone constitut healtl . rom th for going analysi it will be n that in order to cleriv full b nefit from our di t it. i necessary t.o det rmine in what. proportion nitrog nou and non– nitrog nou food ar t.o be mix d. b iou ly a h ategory, wh n tak n separately, cannot u tain life for very 1 ng. II n e our diet mu t ·ontain at lea t one nitrog nou and one non-nitrog nou food, to vvhich mu t. b ad led min ra] alt and v g tabl acids. Th mo 'i appropriat form of di t., how v r, i that which ontain prot.eid . tarch , ugar , fat , a id , and alt . Th preci proportion of th variou 1 m nt of foods whi h con titut part of the di tar must vary according to t.h ircum tanc of th a , but th following may b r ogni cl a an a,· rag : ~ ritrog non Food - 10 part . , tarch and 'ugar - 6 F~ 3 A ·i l , alt , t . 1
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