Scientific Athletics
espe ially tho of a bitter, acrid natur ; whil tho e which are savoury and palatable are pref rable, b ing more nutritious. othing i more alutary than good ripe p ache . pples al o are om of the b t fruit . and wh n baked r t wed will generally agre with the most delicate digestion. Fre h u cul nt orange ar equally acceptable, but the pulp should not b at n. Tomato are b neficial, but the rind i indigestible. Th small seed d fruits, u h a figs, blackb rrie , ra pberri , strawberrie , etc., may be classed among t th b t m dicine . Thu we annot but conclud that a large amount of v getable food may be tak n by the majority of people. Th h av -w ight athl te i not re trained b serious re triction in regar l to di t. Nev rthel i n ce. sary to avoid laxity in thi onn ction, h 'au otherwise h alth, tr ngth, and nergy might be mor or less impair cl through th con umption of improper food . Dy pep ·ia, on tipation, d ., would almost. in vitably sup rvene, and the embarras ing di advan– tag s of aclipo e ti uc. short-wincleclne , t ., would oon suhm rg all hope of ucc s, . \part. from th fact ·, it mu ·t be in ul at cl that although on picuous bodily accretion i quivalcnt to increa cd tr ngth yet w must not b misled (as ome hav been) by th fallacv that th' accumulation of fat. m an th ame thing~ Thcr fore the versatile h avy-w ight athl t must a\'(>icl fat-forming foocls, an l tak uch article of food as will incr a trength an l improv th , y t rn, and which can b , a ily a ·similat d. \\ hen a cl rea of corporeal ,v ight i xpedi nt, cli crimination should b ' used in th to b pur- ued. Fat-producing food mu t l avoided. Ex rci, ·houlcl he vigorou ·, ·o that co1 iou indu cl ancl all un tuou · ·uh tanc s fat man should be ab temious, and hould I artake frugally of fruit, veg t.abl ·. lean m at, t.c. , tc. The popular be\' rag , t 'a, mu ·t be omitt l from the di teti r gim 11, beeau: ' although it ma b refr hing wh n 7
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