Scientific Athletics
are, mor or le , lum y and ineff ctive. Hence the beginner, in tead of b ing incited to reali e hi athletic potentialitie i , after reading about the unique r ord of c 1 brated athl t , naturally di cone rted and di couraged. Th for going r mark ar remini 'C nt of my O\\'n initial endeavours in athlcti s, about t n year ago, when I comm need to tudy thi fa cinating i nee. Had I p ru d at that juncture th athletic record then available I hould, in all probability, hav re– nounced athletic . But, fortunately, Fate wa pro– pitiou , an l so I have long njoyed th benefit d riv d from th balanc of phy ical and m ntal power, acquired ol ly through athl tici m and phy ical culture. Th de ire to augment my trength and attain pro– fi i n y in athl ti obse ed me long b fore I had fini h cl my clucation, and a athletici m oft n up r– sed cl int llectual cultur , I ertainly conduc cl to the maintenance of th in tru tor' ph ical w 11-being, for I applied mys lf to the alutary out loor r er ation , and although my weight never exc ded t n ton , my a<lvancem nt in th more str nuou f at wa simply a. tounding. Mor ov r, m progr far from bein~ tran. itory : it wa p culiarly ince ant Being not endow d ven w1th m dial height, my ucces. as confirm d by Pre ub · rvations and Extracts from my Athletic Journal. i, th more r markabl . It follow , th refore, that the information contain d herein was not a quir l in a clay's reacling or a y ar' casual x1 eriencc, but by inc ·sant and sedulous . tudy. Again, being of light w ight, I can al o advi authoritatively a to how th mun rous impedim nt , v,rhich invariabl confront light-w ight athl t when nc.l avouring to a 'quire profi i n y in th h avy ,;i,· ight at gory of athl tics, may be bviat 1. Th refor up n thi infallible ba i I affirm that on hunclr l p r c nL of tho. novic who will p r vere in. ancl aclher to, my in. tru tion will ultirnat ly attain su cess. 9
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