Scientific Athletics
properly made, it i de titute of nouri hm nt and contains theine, tannin, etc. Foods which are a ily a similated and agr eable to th constitution may be ea ily a certain d. T edl to ay, all food mu t be thoroughly masti- cated b for being wallow cl, in ord r to facilitate a similation, and al o to n ure th u e of every parti le of nutriment wallow d. Th bad habit of atiating the toma h with unma ticat l food almo t invariably o casions tomachi di orders whi h absorb much en rgy. Much food thu wallow d, after ex– hau ting the stomach, leave th ame with it nutritiou 1 ment unappropriated. In this respect the tomach may b said to re emble a furnace which, when surfeit cl with fuel, mit le heat, and mother for a onsiderable tim before r crude cenc o curs. Ther for the human furnace must b atisfi d slowly and rationally, so that it i xempt d from inordinat labour in th involuntary pro e s of clige tion. "L ave the tabl while you an still eat more" is a good maxim, and if follow d would minimi tho ill whi h attack p rson who ar in the habit of ating too much. Food houlcl be tak n regularly thre tim a day, when th app tite should be uffi i nt, but not voraciou,. CLOTHING. Th lathing worn wh n pra ti ing athl ti b loo e and thi k, so as to o ca ion no mbarra m nt to the w ar r. nsuitabl garments, sp cially tho unduly tight, apart from pr judicing h alth, incal– culably d t r one in athl tici m, and hould not b used. The b ginn r houlcl rath r ob rv a happy medium in thi matt r and thu avoid all risk of r nding his cl th s whilst performing. When parti ipating in public comp titi n w ar cloth s that hav b en worn in privat training, a thi will help to impart confidence. Th abov remark ar al o applicabl to the kind of 88
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