Scientific Athletics

hoes which hould be worn, but in hamm r-throwing they must b provided with 1 l in. spike in both heel and ol , and with 1 in. pik s for oth r f at . Running hoes are minu h el- pik . GENERAL ADVICE. It i injudiciou to practise athl ti in a ompara– tively nude condition when the atmo ph r is cold and damp. It i b tter to practi e under uch stance in ordinary cl thing, but alway n · In favourable weath r, howev r, di ard all lathing and a ume an athleti co tume, for mor ati fa tory re ult an thus b accompli hed. When much phy ical or m ntal ex rtion i und rgone, ab olute rest i ential, in order to re tor the faculti to th ir wonted capacity. It i th r for easily und r– tood that if a man doe not g t ufficient leep h b come phy i ally and mentally incapacitat d, and, oon r or lat r, would u cumb to pro tration. On - third four time hould b giv n to leep, which hould be taken in a well ventilated room; but draught ar to b avoid d. Th athl t rtain hi corp r al weight, and b areful to cl t t and r medy any di - crepancie . As urning that the body is fre from a cititiou ti u , dimini hed w io-ht i invariabl coupl d with a diminution of trength and vitality, and i generally attributabl to impair d h alth, c iv training, or fatiguing manual or ed ntary work. In conclu ion, th following rational remark wer mad by a promin nt man :- , 'Liv 1 anl and h althfully. bu i- ne wh n you b gin to f el it. car Don't allow it to ·ap your youth. I r ali ed forty-fiv y ar ago, befor I wa fifty, that it wa tim for m to r tire from active busin , and I r tir d- that i , I mad a bu in s of performing only such labour a w r plea ing to m . Th r sult i : I conserved my nervou force, 7•itality, and hrain power.' ' 9