Scientific Athletics

In th f at of weight-throwing, an ordinary 28 lb. weight- to which a hort chain is om tim s attached– ancl a 56 lb. weight are employed at Highland ath ring or Fe tival ; but in me countrie , par– ticularly America, a long chain i attach d to the weight whi his spherical, and con equently ommand everal advantage whi 'h r nder Am rican record in this port omewhat up rior to our . In th accompanying illu tration ar two hammer , weighing 16 lb . and 22 lb . r s1 ectiv ly. The hafts are th regulation length, viz. : 4 ft. 2 in. , an l are 16 LB. A:'\D 22 LB. H .\:\J:\lERS. manufactured from ash \\'ood, \\'hich is a very adaptabl material. ny durabl wood, su h a · hickory, i al o suitabl . Wh n practice in 'hot-putting i cl ir cl, i.h 91