Scientific Athletics
hafts ar removed from the ball , o that it i unnece ary to purcha e putting-ball al o. Each of the 28 lb. and 56 lb. weight utili ed hould be provid d with a large ring, o a to n ure comfort wh n th y are being thrown. When el cting a vaulting-pole, a bamboo one, at 1 a t 13 f t long, hould b procured. ince b ing introduced, the e pol have apparently giv n univ r al ati faction and have r c iv d the unanimou approba– tion of all athlet s, being, a th y are, mu h up rior to those manufactur d from other materials. part from th ir tr ngth and durability they ar exceedingly light, and consequently ar attend d with good r ults. Jumping- tan cl hould be o constructed a to an wer both vaulting and leaping purpo s. With r gard to cab r , th s may b had for a small um from a wood mer hant, or may be obtain cl, barring obje tion , from any wood. 92
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