Scientific Athletics

physical incongruitie , and con urrently produces proportional strength and vitality. Hen e, th hammer– thrower i ymmetri al of body, and v ry individual muscle fill it appropriate sphere, never violating it natural boundary, and aptly p rforming th work allott d to it. Therefore, all nerg ti men hould heartily prac– tise and arn stly ndeavour to a quire proficiency in this us ful and manly exerci e. It mu t b obviou that athl tes who have in any considerable measure di tingui h d th m lv in ham– mer-throwing, hav u ually be n remarkabl for th ir trength, v rve, and celerity. W generally find ome men induecl with abnormal tr ngth and proportion , but fr qu ntly they do not command th brilliant t chniqu such a po eel by comparatively light men, who must r ly e sentially upon their ienc . But in all in tan es th ucc sful hamm r-throw r i of a symmetrical bodily tru ture. Through the in tru– mentality of hammer-throwing, muscle , which hitherto lay dormant, are awakened from th ir torpor, and are strengthen d and elev loped to their proper propor– tions, and, mo t important of all, a perf ct t mperam nt is henc forth njoy d. . s already stated, b fore the athl t can attain to any remarkabl <legre of profi i n y in this feat, h mu t bear the di appointm nt and urmount th num rous diffi ultie which ob tru t th path to succ ss. Ince ant pra ti e and unfailing dilig nc must be xcrcisecl before th goal an b r a heel ; becau e although it nee ari1y appear to be tardy, it ''immortal amaranth'' for tho e worthy honour . Dogg cl p r v ranc , which i. on of th tern condition of all improvem nt, i indis– pen able in the pursuit of u c ss, and has to b culti– vat d under all circumstances b fore con pi uou m rit an be attain d. Although om difficulty may b xp rienced in finding a suitabl groun l for hamm r-throwing, sp - cially by tho who r icl in town , they an, how v r, 94