Sporting and Athletic Records
T H E WOR L D ' S R E CORD HAS BEEN ECLIPSED BY THOMAS & SONS as far as their particular line of business is concerned,as they have introduced and invented more improvements in Sporting attire thanany other Firm inexistence. Naming a few : Knickerbocker Breeches Acme Shooting*Coat Thomas Fishing-Coat Gordon Stalking- Cape Thomas Sleeveless Shooting- Coat Belf-band Norfolk Jacket (for easy carrying of Cartridges) Skeleton Continuation to Breeches Seamless Boot Leg-g-ingf Improved Trouser Knee-pads And manyothers. And they have two or three other important improve ments still in abeyance. With a record of this sort, it must be apparent to every Sportsman who would be comfortably andsmartly dressed, that theyare the Firm to go to. THOMAS & SONS, Sportmo bailors & Breeches flDafters, 32, BROOK STREET, W. Telegraphic Address—" SPORTINGLY,LONDON."
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