Sporting and Athletic Records
SHOOTING I.—N.R.A. RECORDS Albert Since 1892, 10 shots each at 800, 900, and 15 shots at 1000 yards. Best Score, 169 out of 175, made by Capt. E DGE, 4th V. B„ Derby in 1892. Alexandra Since 1874, 7 shots each at 500 and 600 yards. Best Score 68 out of 70 in 1887, 1889, 1890 and 1893 Aggregate, All Comers Since 1894, highest possible 175. Best Score 163, made by Pte. G UNN, 1st Lanark, in 1895. Aggregate, Grand Since 1881, highest possible 385. Best Score, 343 made by L.-Corp. C OMBER, 4th V. B. E. Surrey. Ashburton Challenge Shield Since 1877, School teams of 8, 7 shots each at 200 and 500 yards, highest possible 560. 27s
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