Sporting and Athletic Records

294 SWIMMING Floating —Capt.W EBB (P.) kept afloat without touching anything for 60 consecutive hours at Scarborough, 29 June—1 July 1880. Swimming under water —113yards 1 foot by J AMES F INNEY (P.) at Blackpool, 20 October 1882. 104 yards by T. W. R EIIXY (A.) at Stockport, 4 July 1887. Staying wider water —Itis on record, attested by affidavit before a magistrate, that Prof. E NOCH, American professional, "remained under water a full period of 4m. 46 '/ r) s., and during that period of time remained wholly under water, and did not come to the surface," at the Wonderland Theatre, Lowell, Mass., U.S.A., on 28 March 1896. The Australian record is 4m, 35s. made by Prof. B EAUMONT (P.) at the Alhambra Music Hall, Melbourne, 16 December 1893. The British record is 4m. 29 ^s. made by J AMES F INNEY (P.) at the Canterbury Music Hall, London, 7 April 1886. Diving for halfpence —J. F INNEY (P.) is said to have picked up 84 halfpenny-pieces with his mouth at one dive, at the FollyTheatre, Manchester, 28 March 1892. Swimming on the lack —100 yards in im. 20'/us. by R. A. C RAWSHAW (A.) at Manchester, 14 October 1890; and im. 20^'gs. by M C Q UEEN (P.) at Glasgow, 27 December 1886. Half-a-mile in 16m. H ARRY G URR (P.) in the Serpentine, Hyde Park, London, 1 June 1865. Blackwall to Gravesend Pier —in4h. 52m. 44s. by Capt. W EBB (P.) in July 1875. Dover to Ramsgate —in8h. 45m. by Capt. W EBB (P.) 20 July 1875.