Sporting and Athletic Records
PRIVATE PRACTICE being a long way ahead of all rivals. His highest score for the Single York Round is 809, which wouldbe generallyconsidered a very respect able total for the Double York Round. Archer 100 yds (72 arrows) Hits Score 80 yds (48 arrows) Hits Score 60 yds (24 arrows) Hits Score Total (144 arrows) Hits Score H. A. Ford The nearest app fifties, is one of J 1851 made 675 ^ modern archers at 66 344 69 371 7i 335 )roach to th . BRAMHAU, vith 1 25 hit the Single Yc 47 301 48 274 48 272 ese colossal 'S also made s. The two )rk Round ai 24 164 24 154 24 158 scores, made about that highest scoi e as follows 137 809 141 799 143 765 in the early time, who in •es made by Archer 100 yds (72 arrows) Hits Score 80 yds (48 arrows) Hits Score 60 yds (24 arrows) Hits Score Total (144 arrows) Hits Score G. E. S. Fryer (2 Aug. 1872) C. E, Nesham (14 May 1883) 59 289 63 281 44 218 43 243 24 132 22 108 127 639 128 632 H. A. FORD'S best scores at the three separate distances were as follows;— Distance Arrows No. of Hits Golds Reds Blues Blacks Whites Score IOO yds 72 69 12 - 17 19 14 •^1 II 80 „ 48 48 IO 19 15 2 2 = 306 Go „ 24 24 IO 13 1 — — = 186
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