Sporting and Athletic Records

12 ARCHERY Mr. J. Bramhall's Averages 1849—1853 During the five years 1849—53 J. BRAMHAIX maintained a remark­ ably high rate of scoring in the York Round as the following Table shows:— Year No. of York Rounds Average on Hits each Round Score 1849 54 103 453 1850 70 IID 502 1851 64 117 56I 1852 52 117 575 1853 38 114 567 The Double York Round Again the gap between H. A. FORD and his nearest rival is a wide one, while the distance between his record score and the highest made in modem times is nearly twice as wide. Here are the 3 scores:— 100 yds (144 arrows) Hits Score 80 yds (96 arrows) Hits Score Total (288 arrows) Hits Score Archer (48 arrows) Hits Score H. A. Ford J. Bramhall (1852) C .J. Longman ('84) 124 594 107 535 101 453 94 5 8 4 91 497 87 433 48 354 48 290 47 277 266 1532 256 1322 235 1163 The Single NationalRound In private practice, on 9 Sept. 1881, Mrs. PIERS F. LEGH found the target every time and made the following good score, which appearsto be the best on record for the round. At 60 yards At 50 yards Total 48 hits 316 score 24 hits 162 score 72 hits 478 score