Sporting and Athletic Records

ATHLETIC MEETINGS 17 better performances under the former. At the same time it must be remembered that in the American Championships, displacement of the top rail prevents acceptance of the time as a record. Under American AA.A. rules the HAMMER is thrown and the WEIGHT is put from a 7ft. circle, instead of a 9ft. circle, and 7ft. square respectively. English Amateur Championships—Record Holders N.B.—Hurdles—Grass track: 10 hurdles 3ft. 6in. high, driven in firm. Putting the weight—i61bs.: from a 7ft. square. Throwing the hammer—i61bs.; hammer 4 feet long: from a 9ft. circle. Event 100 yards run Time M. S. Name A. Wharton C. A. Bradley A. R. Downer Year 1886 1893 1895 '/i mile run 48 v. H. C.L. Tindall 1889 '/a mile run 1 55 1 /* E. C. Bredin 1893 1 mile run 4 17 F. E. Bacon 1895 4 miles run 19 48% „ 1894 10 miles run 51 3 i % S. Thomas 1889 4 miles walk a 28 247. W. J. Sturgess 1897 7 miles walk b 52 28% H. Curtis 1890 Hurdles (120 yards) r IS'/s G. B. Shaw 1895 Distance ft. in. High Jump 6 2 v. J. W. Ryan 1893 Long Jump 23 O'U C. H. Leggatt 1896 Pole Jump {*• Ray Watson 1881 1891 a Previous to 1894 the distance was 7 miles. t Since1893 the distancehas been 4 miles. In 1878 H.V ENN was timed for the even mile walk at 52m. 25s., but this is not accepted for record by the A.A.A. c In 1896 S HAW did is'/ss. with strong windbehind and downhill. 2