Sporting and Athletic Records

18 ATHLETIC MEETINGS Event Distance Name Year ft. in. Putting the Weight 45 4 D. Horgan 1897 Throwing the Hammer 142 5 T. F. Kiely 1897 N.B.—For a complete list of English Amateur Champions, year by year, see Appendix. Scottish A.A.A. Records N.B Hurdles—Grass track: 10 hurdles 3ft. 6in. high, driven in firm. Putting the weight—i61bs.: from a 7ft. square. Throwing the hammer—i61bs.; hammer 4ft. long: from a fixed mark without a turn. Event M. Time S. Name Year 100 yards run IO J. M. Cowie 1884 120 yards run 11 4 /® ( C. A. Bradley ' A. R. Downer 1893 1895 150 yards run 15 1895 220 yards run 22 , /4 „ 189s 300 yards run 3 1 */» ,, XT) ON 00 Vi mile run 50% E. C. Bredin 1893 x l2 mile run 1 58 1893 1 mile run 4 18^5 F. E. Bacon 1894 4 miles run 19 44 9 /5 „ 1894 10 miles run 53 26 A. Hannen 1895 1 mile walk 7 2% J. Harvie 1884 Hurdles (120 yards) 1675 N. A. McLeod 1892 Distance ft in. High Jump 6 I J. M. Ryan 1895 Long Jump 22 2'/A T. F. Kiely 1895 Pole Jump I I 4 E. J.Stones 1889 Putting the Weight 44 7 D. Horgan 1895 Throwing the Hammer 104 6 D. Ross 1893