Sporting and Athletic Records

ATHLETIC MEETINGS 19 Irish Amateur Championships—Record Holders N.B.—Hurdles—Grass track: 10 hurdles 3ft, 6in. high, driven in firm. Putting the weight—i61bs: from a 7ft. square. Throwing the hammer—i61bs.; hammer 4ft. long: from a 7ft. circle. Event 00 yards run Vi mile run Va mile run 1 mile run "urdles (120 yards) igh Jump ong Jump utting the Weight hrowing the Hammer Time S. lO 1 ^ 51 0% 32% I6 s /6 Distance Name Year N. D. Morgan 1894 and 1896 J. C. Meredith T. Conneff C. W. Blundell j P. Davin I D. D. Bulger 1896 1886 1888 1883 1892 ft. in. 6 l l l* J. M. Ryan 1893 22 10 D. D. Bulger 1892 45 3 D. Horgan 1894 and 1895 131 7 T. F.Kiely 1895 American Amateur Championships—Record Holders N.B.—Hurdles (120 yards)—Cinder track: 10 hurdles 3ft. 6in. high, with oveable top rails. Hurdles (220 yards)—Cinder track: 10 hurdles 2ft. 6in. high. Putting the Weight—i61bs.: from a 7ft. circle. Throwing the Hammer—i61bs.; hammer 4ft. long: from a 7ft, circle.' Throwing 561bs. weight—with both hands: from a 7ft. circle. Event 00 yards run 20 yards run /i mile run it mile run Time Name Year S. 9% J. Owen Jr. 1890 2I I /I |H. Jewett 1892 \ B.J. Wefers 1895 48% T. E,Burke 1896 55 4 /» C. H. Kilpatrick 1894