Sporting and Athletic Records
24 ATHLETIC MEETINGS Event I mile run 3 miles run Hurdles (120 yards) Event High Jump Long Jump Putting the Weight Time M. S. 4 14 Name University Year l 9*l l 44*/ 5 16 Distance ft. 6 23 39 in. 2 V. 5 i 7 W. E. Lutyens Cambridge 1894 F. S. Horan „ 1893 ^A. B. Loder „ 1876 ^W. R. Pollock „ 1884 Name University Year M. J. Brooks Oxford 1876 C. B. Fry „ 1892 J. H. Ware „ 1886 G.S.Robertson „ I 895 Throwing the Hammer c 116 N.B.—For a complete list of the winners of each event in the Oxford and Cambridge Sports, year by year, see Appendix. American Inter-Collegiate Meetings—Record Holders N.B.—Hurdles (120 yards)—Cinder track: 10 hurdles 3ft. 6in. high; moveable top rails. Hurdles (220 yards)—Cinder track: 10 hurdles 2ft. 6in. high. Putting the Weight—i61bs.; from a 7 ft. circle. Throwing the Hammer—i61bs.; hammer 4ft. long: from a 7ft. circle. Event 100 yards run 220 yards run 1 /i mile run '/a mile run 1 mile run 1 mile walk Time M. S. 9 l l s 2 I , / # 49Va I S^ 4 / 5 4 2 3 s /s Name B. J. Wefers G. B. Shattuck E. Hollister G. W. Orton University Year Georgetown 1896 » 1896 Amherst 1891 Harvard 1896 Un. of Pa. 1895 Hurdles (120 yards) „ (220 yards) 5 2 4 /. F. A. BorcherlingPrinceton 1892 { H. L. Williams Yale 1891 i 5 4 /» 3 8 ' 0 ^ Dart. Coll. 1895 Harvard 1895 S. Chase 24 3 / g J. L. Bremer c With unlimited handle, run and follow, G. H. H ALES, Cambridge, threw 138ft. 310. at Lillie Bridge in 1876, which is record for the old conditions oi throwing at these sports.
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