Sporting and Athletic Records
28 BILLIARDS Distance of spot from top cushion iz'/^in. Distance of balk line from bottom cushion 2gin. Radius of the D. n'/jin. Width of pockets at the fall ofthe slate 3"/sin. Size of balls 2Vioin. to 2 s /s9in. An "ordinary " table may be defined as one built to suit the requirements of the purchaser. Many of the records which follow were made on " ordinary " tables, so that it is more than doubtful whether they were all made upon tables fulfilling standard requirements. Highest Break all in') 3,304 Made on an ordinary table by W. J. PEALL in an exhibition match with C. DAAVSON, London, 4 and 5 November 1890. The break included runs of 93, 3, 150, 123, 172 and 400 spots. Highest Break (spotbarred) 1,392 Made on an ordinary table by J. ROBERTS playing againstE. DIGGLE at Manchester, 3 and 4 November 1894. On a standard table the record is held by E. DIGGLE with 985 made in London, when playing against J. ROBERTS, 4 January 1895. On a championship table the record is held by J. ROBERTS with 225 (and 224) made when playing a match with D. RICHARDS in London, 14 March 1890. The highest break made in a championship match also stands to the credit of J. ROBERTS who made 129 in March 1885, the last occasion on which one of these contests was held. T. TAYLOR is cradited with a break of 1,457 made at the Royal Aquarium in a match with H. MCNEIL 24 April 1891, but thiscannot rank as record owing to the peculiar circumstances. TAYLOR worked the balls into the jaws of the pocket and when secure, scored 729 cannons. FRANJC C. IVES, the great American player, made a break of 2,539
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