Sporting and Athletic Records
BILLIARDS 29 (1267 cannons) when playing ROBERTS in London, 1 and 2 June 1893. But this is in no sense a record to compare with ordinary spotbarred breaks, as the table and balls used were the result of a compromise which made the game unlike Billiards as usually played anywhere in the world. Highest Break {Push and Spotbarred) 480 Made by J. ROBERTS in London, June 1896. Greatest Number of Given Strokes in Succession Stroke Number Player Place Date Spot hazards 548 W.J. Peall Cambridge 19 May 1884 „ „ 350 W. Mitchell London 5 Oct. 1882 Red losers 99 J. Roberts „ 13 Feb. 1894 „ 74 W. J. Peall „ 27 Jan. 1886 Spot screw backs 186 J. G. Sala „ 24 Mar, 1888 Nursery Cannons 195 H.W.Stevenson „ 29 Jan. 1896 „ „ 189 „ Edinburgh 30 „ 1895 „ „ 1 68 E. Diggle London 5 „ 1895 Spot strokes on a ) > 50 J. Roberts „ 14 Mar. 1890 championship table ) Fastest Game of 1000 up {all hi) 44 Minutes Scored by W. J. PEALL in a match with W. MITCHELL at the Royal Aquarium, 3 May 1884. PEALL after reaching 120 ran out in three successive breaks of 325, 289 and 274. Mitchell only made 26 altogether. Quick Scoring {spotbarred) J. ROBERTS has often made over 500 in just under the half-hour. On the 1 2th April 1897 in his match with PEALL he made 340 in a quarter of an hour. In a run of nursery cannons he has made 50 (scoring 100) in the minute.
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