Sporting and Athletic Records

30 BILLIARDS Players Best Breaks {Spotbarred) Player Break Place Dale J. Roberts 1.392 Manchester 3 &4 November 1894 E. Diggle 985 London 4 January 1895 C. Dawson 762 „ 28 November 1896 H. W. Stevenson C-n 00 „ 24 „ 1896 W. J.Peall 571 „ 28 „ 1892 W. Spiller 529 „ 19 March 1896 D. Richards 504 Royal Aquarium 30 November 1894 J. North 503 28 ,, 1894 W. Mitchell 483 London 17 January 1896 Amateur Championship Games Highest Break {all in) —297, made by S. S. CHRISTEY at the Royal Aquarium, 12 May 1892. Highest Break {spotbarred) —106, made by S. S. CHRISTEY in the amateur spotbarred championship, 21 May 1894. Cannon Game Record At French, or Continental, Billiards, the English record is 596 can­ nons made by Herr KERKAU , the Germanplayer, atDean Street, Soho, London 31 March 1897, beating E. CARTER'S previous English record of 586 made in the season of 1896. In America the best run at three ball carom rail gameis 2572 made by HARVEY MCKENNA at Boston, Mass., 21 Dec. 1887.