
182 sPOxTnscItlTLAN. 1. between two horses : one with round action cannot get well over the ground; good trotters throw their fore- legs out straight, so should a man. A good ' spirt' runner should be able to do one hundred yards in ten and a-half seconds; a 'clinker' can do it in ten, but there are not two men known that can do it in less. If you had a man that could do it in ten, you could will £10,000 at Sheffield with him; it is a great place for ' fleet of foot, ' and large sums are gambled on the handicap there every year. There are men that have done it in less time, but as it was only in trials, I take no notico of it. "Our best men now are Captain Machell, Riley, of Finsbury, Mole, of Walsall, and Kelly, of Pulliam-one hundred to one hundred and fifty yards. I think your friend Mr. Budd will agree with mein what I have said. " We read the foregoing to Mr. Budd, who im- hesitatingly urged the insertion of it in "Sporta- scrapiana, " but he suggests that a shorter time be allowed in bed. Although lie used to run one hundred yards in ten seconds and a beat, lie never had any train- ing for it, nor for his many matches against other n1en, except the moderate training lie was always in, through indulgence in field-sports and atlib-tie amusements. 1Te attaches great faith to the opinion of Jackson, tluit mutton or beef eaten in training should be cooked ww i'li the gravy in. Another thing lie always found of incalculable adv;. a- tage, viz., the keeping on, until the last moment, a deal of extra clothing in the shape of coats and trousers, ;also the wearing of thick shoes ; the mcnnent he was dive-'Pd of these incumbrances, lie felt as though he could fly.