
xii CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. PACE Captain Ross-Cricket Champions-Ross's Version of the Clinker and Clasher steeple-chase compared with those of the Jour- nals of 1566-Oshaldeston on the Anson and Ross _llatch- Mr. Tharp on the Training of Anson and Ross-Ross asks Budd to accompany him in the " Great Match "-Ross's Deer-stalking while Training for it-Iloratio Ross in Child- hood-Teaching " the Young Idea "-Selling out of Light Dragoons to enjoy Field Sports-Advanced Life-As a Pedestrian-Itillc Prizes-His Sons-Edward the Champion- shot-Hercules the Champion-shot of India-Colin a Prize- winner-Captain Ross's Opinion of Mark and Flirt-IIis Steeple-chase with " the Squire " and their " Ran dan " Match-Ross's Pigeon Matches-Ilundred to One-Lord Kennedy's Death and its Cause-Captain Goddard and the Arrnv 47 CHAPTER IV. "The Incog. " on Captain Ross-Barring "the Squire "-The " Great Match "-Why Bar " the Squire "? -Origin of the Match-Terms of the Match-After the Match, Challenge to go Seventy Miles for Five Hundred Guineas-Race of Two and a half Miles instead of Seventy-English and Scotch Farmers compared-Hospitality of Lord de Roos- Serious Reflection-Tempers of Lord Kennedy and " the Squire" compared--Steeple-chase between Lord Kennedy's Horse Radical and Captain Ross's Clinker-Cock-fighting -Ross, for a Bet of a Hundred Pounds, kills Ten Brace of Swallows with Pistol and Single Ball before Breakfast- Clinker's Pedigree and Description as a hunter-Swallows an expensive Entree to Lord Kennedy-Lord Kennedy's Position, Disposition, and Fall .... .... G. " CHAPTER V. The Ilolkham Match-Mr. W. Coke as a Deer-stalker-Sir \Villia n MaxwelIon Lord Kennedy's 11 undred Brace Match -Lord Garlies' hatch-Eley's Experiment-Bag of Grouse -Deer killed in One Tear-Pedestrian Match of Lord Ken- nedy and Sir Andrew Leith Ray for Two Thousand Pico