
CONTENTS. 1111 PAGE Ilundred Pounds a side-Reckless Eztrava,, anee and its Retribution-Captain Ross and Photograph}'-Playing Golf in the Dark-Captain Ross as a Pigeon-. shot reviewed by "gaily"-Mr. Anthony Trollope-Itille Match with Count D'Orsay and Pistol Match with a Spaniard-A Chapter on Duelling by the Captain-Gronow's Duel-Rille Match be- tween Lord Kennedy and the Ilon. George Vernon-Cap- tain's Pistol beats Mr. Vernon's Ritle at a Hundred Yards- Fabulous Age of Stags-Eight Stags in Twenty Minutes with one Muzzle-loader-The Cambridge Cup-Amusing hoax of Colonel Jackson-Captain Ross's Opinion of Lord Kennedy and the Ilon. General Anson-Wonderful Feat of Lord Kennedy-Horatio Ross, Esq., ALT. .... .. 7S CHAPTER YI. Rough Notes in the Waggon, by Mr. W. Wyndham Codrington -IIow we came by the Notes-" Touch and go" with a Lion-Dramatis Persona-Purchase of Dogs- A Sheep-dog for Lions-A Comfortable Night-Bees' Nest in a Mohano Tree-A Lion among the Oxen-Killed Five Elephants and Two Lions-Killed Three Elephants, malting Seventeen in a Month-A Game-pit-The Danish Dog-Riding I)o«n a Lion-A Narrow Escape-IIow L'u"hmen hunt the Lion- The Lion in Cubhood and Age-A Plague of Fleas . .. 118 CHAPTER '-II. I1Ir. John Tharp Burton Phillipson Training and Riding his own Horses-Flight of Pan], Notes-Richmond Drag Club- Milk-white Setters-MI r. J. Sidney Tharp's Opinion of Mr. Budd-White and Pied Pheasants-Bag of Game-Opinion of "the Squire "-Hitting Penny-pieces-Ninety-nine Par- tridges-A Cheap Dog-A Handsome Spanicl-Selpright Bantams and accomplished Pets-The Learned Pig, Pony, and Dog Tricks explained-An Accomplished Deer-The Lime-kiln Gallop-Colonel Cochrane and If r. Budd-Scraps of Natural History-Wonderful Double Shot at Deer- Ifeart Affections-A "Roarer"-Leaps of Stags-Great Partridge-shooting-A Miller's Ilorse-Spare the White Owl-Chippeuham Game-Lord Claremont's Horses .. 137